For the last two years, I have been blessed to write regularly about comics for a thoughtful, learned audience who, for some reason, enjoys reading my commentary. I’ve written on comics about cowboys, kid reporters, the Boxer rebellion, swamp critters, and mad scientists.
From when I first suggested this project, our fearless editor-in-Chief and managing editor have both been nothing but supportive. There are many publications that would have been completely disinterested in any writing that takes comics seriously. I am so grateful to have had the chance to dig deeply into both American and European comics.
Because of this wonderful experience writing for The European Conservative, a few months ago, my friend Levi Nunnink and I began recording episodes of a podcast called Truth, Beauty, Comics!, which is available on all major platforms. Every other week, we release an hour-long episode discussing works from the canons of American, European, and Japanese comics. Thus far, we’ve covered Golden Age Superman, Astro Boy, and Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics, with many more episodes recorded. Our tagline is “finding transcendence in a pulpy medium,” because both of us believe that comics are deserving of our attention, and that good comics reward this attention. Like most podcasts, we have started small, but our audience is dedicated, and we trust that it will continue expanding.

While making this podcast, I’ve discovered that, as fun as writing about comics is, talking about them with a working cartoonist is even more fulfilling and challenging for me. Thus, I’ve decided to end “The 9th Art,” my comics series at The European Conservative. But I haven’t given up onwriting about comics: Truth, Beauty, Comics! has also begun a Substack, where both Levi and I will be posting reviews of, and essays about, comics old and new, beginning with the Franco-Belgian hit Thorgal and the American classic Krazy Kat.
If you have enjoyed reading “The 9th Art,” I hope you’ll continue to follow my work via our podcast and Substack. If you are particularly appreciative (or would like extra episodes and other perks), you might even consider supporting us via a monthly donation on Patreon. Fan donations help to ensure that we can continue to make this labor of love happen. And, if we reach a high enough level of support, we may even be able to release the show every week.
I’ll end this short piece the same way Levi and I end every episode of our podcast: Remember to take comics seriously and have fun while doing it!