Fake Cries of ‘Islamophobia’ Used To Silence Exposers of UK Rape Gangs ━ The European Conservative

Britain’s anti-free-speech Labour government is planning on an official government definition of Islamophobia, accusations of which have been used as a way to suppress the exposure of rape gangs.

The deployment of this term to shut down proper investigations is the focus of a new paper from the Policy Exchange think tank, which says of the largely Pakistani male groups:

Not only did the gangs exist but a major reason why they went largely unhindered was that people in authority were afraid of being branded racist or anti-Muslim if they acted.

It adds that the perpetrators in Rotherham “were given special treatment because of their race and/or religion.”

Commenting on the report, the scorn of New Culture Forum senior fellow Dr. Philip Kiszely was directed largely towards the “useful idiots” in high places who even put the rape of children “second to their vision of a glorious utopian multicultural society.”

Keir Starmer’s Labour party last month voted against holding a national inquiry into the systematic abuse perpetrated by rape gangs, prompting accusations of “cowardice.”

The new paper calls out the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) as a “bad actor” for using the term “to smear and intimidate their critics.” It points in particular to the commission’s ‘Islamophobe of the Year’ award, for which the author of a report into the Rotherham scandal—which found that at least 1,400 children were sexually abused in the northern town from 1997 to 2013—was put forward.

The IHRC responded by accusing Policy Exchange of “resorting to racist tropes such as so-called ‘grooming gangs’” (emphasis added). Its representatives went on to characterise the report’s complaint as being that “we no longer get to demonise Muslims with a free hand.”

Andrew Gilligan and Paul Stott, who authored the Policy Exchange report, said that any official definition of so-called Islamophobia “would make this problem worse,” adding:

The purpose of an official Islamophobia definition is not to stop anti-Muslim hatred or discrimination—which are already illegal—but to create special protections for one faith.

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